Personal Preferences Section

Please answer all of the following questions as accurately as you can. You will receive your score and immediate feedback after submitting your answers.

1. My motivation for taking online classes is . . .

2. Face-to-face interaction with both my instructors and classmates is . . .

3. When I have assignments, I . . .

4. Classroom discussion is . . .

5. When an instructor gives directions for an assignment, I like to . . .

6. The amount of time I expect to spend on an online class compared to an on-campus class is . . .

7. When I have to use new computer technologies such as email, computer software, or discussion boards I . . .

8. When it comes to my reading ability . . .

9. Choose the statement below that best fits you:

10. I best understand information when it is presented in:

Technical Assessment Section

11. I currently have:

12. I would rate my skill in using a word-processing program as . . .

13. I would rate my knowledge and use of email as . . .

14. Please select the statement that best applies . . .

15. If instructed to download a software program, I would . . .

16. Please select the statement that best fits you . . .

17. How many hours a week do you currently spend on your computer?

18. When asked to copy and paste text from one document to another, I would . . .

19. When asked to convert a file to a "PDF" format in a word-processing program, I would . . .

20. I have access to a consistent Internet connection (i.e. download speed of 3 mbps or higher) . . .