Open Calendar


Dr. Yvonne Kamenge


Dr. Yvonne Kamenge

Assistant Professor
Computer Science & Cybersecurity
WCM 227
(660) 543-4848

Research Areas: Human Computer Interaction, Cybersecurity, Cross-Cultural Design, and Human Centered Design

Dr. Yvonne Kamegne received her Ph.D. with a concentration in Human Computer Interaction from Towson University in 2023. Prior to that, she received her master’s degree in Cybersecurity from Norfolk State University in 2019. Dr. Kamegne’s research interest focuses on human computer interaction, cyber security, cross-cultural design, and human centered design. Much of her research involves usability testing with human subjects to gather data useful in understanding user requirements. The endeavor of her research is to design usable, accessible, user friendly, secure, and inclusive technologies. She published book’s chapter and conference papers in these areas. She is a member of Women in Cybersecurity (WiCyS) and Women in Computing.


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