By Janice Phelan,
February 23, 2023

Students pictured (from left) are Alex Tripp, Tyson Whelan, Malachi Diehl and Blake
Morris, all in the MIC program’s Software Development 2022 cohort.
The nationally recognized Missouri Innovation Campus program recently concluded recruitment
for its 2023-27 MIC cohort, a group of talented sophomores from qualifying metro-area
high schools. Students selected will attend the Lee’s Summit R-7 School District’s
Summit Technology Academy for a half day during their junior year, returning to their
home schools for the remainder of the day.
Students in the 2023-27 cohort also will be taking two college courses in both the
fall and spring semesters and will begin preparation for their internship interviews
with the MIC business partners in February 2024. Pending selection by the business
partners, MIC program students start their three-year, paid, year-round internship
in June 2024.
The MIC program began in 2012 and is a collaboration of the University of Central
Missouri, Lee’s Summit R-7 School District, Metropolitan Community College and more
than 70 business and civic partners. Through the groundbreaking initiative, students
enter the program just before their junior year in high school. Successful students
graduate from college with a bachelor’s degree just two years after high-school graduation.
A total of 33 sending high schools are eligible to send students to Summit Technology
Academy and the Missouri Innovation Campus program.
The six MIC programs available to these students are Software Development, Software
Engineering, Cybersecurity, Design and Drafting, Big Data/Business Analytics and Computer
Information Systems.
A critical component is the internship programs with 91 percent of graduates going
on to work for the MIC business partner where they completed their internship. This
allows the students to gain on-the-job experience with industry-leading businesses
while keeping IT and engineering talent in the metropolitan area. Also, since the
students receive their first two years of tuition free, most MIC program students
graduate with little to no debt.
The recruitment process for the MIC program’s 2023-27 cohort recently concluded with
the last of three open house events held in early February. A program enrollment night
for the new cohort will be held March 9 at the Missouri Innovation Campus.
To be eligible to apply for the MIC program, high-school sophomores must first apply
and be accepted to Summit Technology Academy, have a minimum 3.0 GPA, 95 percent attendance
and test into College Algebra and College English either on the ACT or Accuplacer
For more information, visit the MIC program webpage.