By Janice Phelan,
February 26, 2020

A group of approximately 90 Fulbright Visiting Scholars from around the world will
tour the Missouri Innovation Campus on March 5 as part of a four-day enrichment seminar called “The Future of Work: Overcoming
the Skills Gap.” The Fulbright Enrichment Seminar is facilitated by Global Ties KC.
“This is an incredible opportunity for our students to interact with leading academic
researchers from around the world,” said Curtis Cook, international studies teacher
at Summit Technology Academy. “We are so lucky to have generous business partners
such as Global Ties KC who trust our students to showcase the global skills they are
honing here at Summit Technology Academy.”
The visiting scholars, who all have a doctoral degree or equivalent professional training,
are from five continents representing countries such as Argentina, Australia, Bangladesh,
Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Egypt, Finland, Hungary, India, Ireland, Jordan, Mexico,
Pakistan, Poland, South Africa, Taiwan and Zimbabwe.
“As one of four Fulbright Enrichment Seminars in the country, we are excited to host
approximately 90 visiting Fulbright Scholars with a visit and tour of the Missouri
Innovation Campus, to help showcase our unique and successful workforce development
and education programs,” said Joe Mullins, UCM Workforce and Professional Education
At the Missouri Innovation Campus, the scholars will see firsthand how students connect
with future employers and learn viable skills early in their education. The four-day
enrichment seminar is designed to highlight Kansas City area innovative and collaborative
initiatives that connect employers to necessary talent, according to Global Ties KC.
It will also provide the scholars with a deeper understanding of the forthcoming jobs
market and the ways educators can be active in fostering capable workers.
During the afternoon visit, the Fulbright scholars will tour the nationally recognized
school before breaking into small groups. During the small-group discussions, the
scholars will focus on a specific pathway such as engineering, computer science, health
science or human services. The group will also learn about the Missouri Innovation
Campus program, a partnership involving Lee’s Summit R-7, the University of Central
Missouri and Metropolitan Community College as well as community organizations and
business partners.
The Missouri Innovation Campus is a unique Lee’s Summit facility resulting from a
progressive partnership between the University of Central Missouri and the Lee’s Summit
R-7 School District. It houses the school district’s Summit Technology Academy, a nationally recognized, career-focused high school program for juniors and seniors,
as well as University of Central Missouri’s degree and workforce development certificate
The Fulbright Visiting Scholars program provides grants to approximately 850 foreign scholars from more than 100
countries to allow them to conduct post-doctoral research at U.S. institutions. Their
visits range from an academic semester to a full academic year.
Global Ties KC is a nonprofit organization that creates opportunities for face-to-face interactions
between international leaders and their American counterparts in Kansas and Western
Missouri. The group hosts international exchange programs on behalf of the U.S. Department
of State, the U.S. Agency for International Development and other governmental organizations,
universities, companies and think tanks to promote global exchange and citizen diplomacy.
The Kansas City seminar is one of just four enrichment seminars offered this year
within the United States for Fulbright Visiting Scholars.