Commencement - Faculty Role
Date of Current Revision: October 2015
Primary Responsible Officer: Provost or Designee
Commencement - Faculty Role
All full-time faculty members must participate and part-time faculty are welcome to participate in at least one commencement processional each year; exceptions may be made by department chair. The academic processional is organized by college and department and requires full academic regalia.
Faculty members are encouraged to participate in college/department receptions occurring in conjunction with each commencement.
Revision History:
Established and archived prior to 1999
Updated per Faculty Senate Motion 2014-2015_17 October 2015
Edited for web links, formatting and plain language. Approved December 2015
Previously annotated as II.C. Commencement. Renamed Commencement for alphabetical listing, grammar and spell check, and transitioned into policy library April 2017