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Evaluation of Faculty, School Chairs, Deans and Provost

Date of Current Revision:  April 2016           

Primary Responsible Officer: Provost or designee

Evaluation of Faculty, Department Chairs, Deans, and Provost

1. Evaluation of Faculty

a. Evaluation of Teaching by Students

The University of Central Missouri uses multiple forms of faculty evaluation to improve courses; present evidence for promotion, tenure, and potential merit pay; construct professional development plans; inform students of faculty qualifications.

To comply with Missouri statute, each faculty member at UCM shall be evaluated by students every semester for each course taught using a set of standard questions approved by the Faculty Senate that is administered via an online survey. The results are published on the university web site. This evaluation information is NOT used in a determination of retention, promotion or tenure of faculty members.

In addition to the evaluation required by Missouri statute, all faculty members who teach, including those who offer courses through Extended Studies shall be evaluated in each course, each semester, by their students through a department and/or college instrument, regardless of the mode of delivery. Faculty members, their department chair, and college dean will have access to their student evaluations.

The University of Central Missouri Faculty Senate requires that departments utilize procedures which ensure evaluator confidentiality during the distribution, completion, and analysis of faculty course evaluations and that faculty will not receive course evaluation results until after final grades have been submitted.

b. Evaluation of Faculty by Department Chairs

Faculty members shall be evaluated annually by their department chairs, relying on multiple means to evaluate teaching, scholarship, and service using this evaluation form. The evaluation will include an assessment as to whether the faculty member has met expectations in each of the three categories and result in a professional development plan for the upcoming year. Faculty members review their evaluations with their department chair to enhance their professional strengths and effectiveness and to plan to achieve goals, such as promotion and tenure.

Chairs evaluate first- and second-year faculty in the preparation of making recommendations on reappointment. After reviewing with faculty, chairs forward the evaluations to the college dean, and these evaluations, along with written recommendations for areas of improvement, are kept in the faculty member's department. A written rebuttal from the faculty member may also be kept in the file. These rebuttals may be used for reference when an application for tenure or promotion is considered.

*Extended Studies: Faculty members teaching courses scheduled through the Office of Extended Studies will continue to be evaluated as indicated. These evaluations will be conducted under the direction of each department chair. A department chair has the following choices concerning evaluation:

a. Not to evaluate based on the particular status of the faculty members involved.

b. Evaluation conducted by the department chair

c. Evaluation coordinated by Extended Studies the UCM form found in the link above

When evaluations are conducted by Extended Studies, they will be collected and forwarded to the department chair and the college dean for utilization and filing.

2. Evaluation of Department Chairs, Deans, and the Provost

In the fall of each year, faculty will be given the opportunity to evaluate their department chair, their dean, and the Provost. The results of these evaluative surveys, administered by the Office of Institutional Research, will be shared with the person being evaluated and their immediate supervisor. Individual responses are kept confidential with results reported in summary form. Comments written by faculty are also presented in the summary report. Faculty should not present any information in their comments that would allow their anonymity to be compromised. The Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs will ensure these evaluations are conducted annually.

This evaluation process is to be used primarily for the purpose of improvement. For department chairs, all full-time faculty in the department are the primary respondents. For deans, all full-time faculty and department chairs in the college are the primary respondents, and for the Provost, the primary respondents are the department chairs and the deans.


Revision History:

Established and archived prior to 1999

Updated 2/6/2012 FS Motion 2011-2012-14

Section II.F.9. Extended Studies editorial change adding link to form by Director of Extended Studies February 2015

*Content previously located in section II.F.9 Extended Studies realigned and moved to II.G.1.b December 2015

Edited for web links, formatting and plain language. Approved December 2015.

Evaluation of Department Chairs, Deans, and the Provost updated to reflect current practice. Approved April 2016.

Hyperlink to faculty evaluation form updated from 5 point scale to 3 point scale to reflect current practice. October 2016.

Hyperlink to faculty evaluation form updated to include PDP. December 2016.

Previously annotated as II.G Evaluation of Faculty, Department Chairs, Deans and Provost. Renamed Evaluation of Faculty, Department Chairs, Deans and Provost for alphabetical listing, grammar and spell check, and transitioned into policy library April 2017


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