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Date of Current Revision:  June 2016            

Primary Responsible Officer: Provost or designee



Faculty members have the right and responsibility to grade the academic performance levels of students in their classes. If the task is delegated to a graduate assistant or another staff member, the faculty member of record remains responsible. In no instance may an undergraduate student be allowed to assign recorded grades to peers.

Grades are submitted electronically in MyCentral. Student Progress reports are collected for fall and spring semester beginning the sixth week of the semester and are due at noon on Tuesday of the seventh week. Final semester grades are due at noon on the Tuesday after finals week. Grades for the first-half semester or for summer sessions are due at noon the Tuesday following the end of class. These courses will be processed in order for our military students to get reimbursed within the allotted number of days. Faculty should watch for e-mail reminders from the Registrar's Office regarding grade deadlines.

Changing a recorded grade.

The faculty member may change a recorded grade for up to a year using the Change Student Grade form available in MyCentral. The department chair is copied on this action. Grade changes older than one year or performed by the Department Chair in the absence of a faculty member may be submitted via e-mail to More information is available at Faculty/Staff Resources.

Course withdrawals.

A grade of W is recorded as the final grade if the course is dropped during the withdrawal period (i.e., after the 100% refund period through the 2/3 point of the course). A grade of W has no impact on grade point average but is reflected on the transcript. "W" is the grade assigned when a student is called away for military duty unless there is a specific request from the student for a “U”. Because of the vagaries of military assignments, students are best served when they have the freedom to reenroll in a class when they want and not be bound by the limitations of assigning a U grade which must be completed the following semester (regardless of enrollment).

After the published last day to drop a course, students may petition for a late withdrawal with documentation of extenuating circumstances.  Students petitioning to late drop a partial semester schedule will do so through the Registrar's Office... If the student is petitioning to withdraw from all courses, the petition should be directed to the Office of Student Experience and Engagement. Late withdrawals are by petition only and are only approved for documented, extenuating circumstances (e.g., hospitalization, death in the family) that prevented the student from completing the course(s). If a late withdrawal is approved a grade of LD (late drop of one or more classes) or LW (late withdrawal of a full schedule) will be assigned and the instructor will be informed of the approval. Grades of LD and LW will not impact the students’ grade point average but will be reflected on the transcript.

Assigning an “F” grade.

When assigning a grade of "F" to a student, faculty members are also to include the last date of class attendance for the student. Reporting this date is required for the University to be in compliance with federal financial aid regulations. If the student attended the entire semester and still earned a grade of "F", the date of the final exam for the course should be used as the last date of attendance. If the student began a course but subsequently stopped attending, complete and submit an Academic or Behavioral Concern (Maxient) form, report the appropriate grade earned (typically an "F") and the last date the student attended class (or, in the case of an on-line course, the last date the student "participated" in the class, as defined by the University). In accordance with the University's Enrollment Validation process, faculty is asked to report students who are not in attendance at the first class meeting. However, if a student who never attended a class is inadvertently not reported through the Enrollment Validation process, the student should be assigned a grade of "F" and the first day of the semester should be reported as the last date of class attendance.

Assigning a “U” grade.

The "U" grade is intended for use only in extenuating circumstances beyond the student's control in the last few days of the semester. An instructor may report a semester mark of "U" when, for justifiable reasons, the student was not able to complete the work of the course. During the next semester, the "U" becomes an "F" unless the requirements of the course have been satisfactorily completed or the course is of an individualized nature, e.g., thesis, research report, or similar investigation. The student should not re-enroll in the course; they simply make up the missing work from the prior semester. When the student's work is completed within prescribed time limits, the unfinished grade is replaced by a final grade by the instructor using the Change Student Grade form available in MyCentral.

A student having more than one "U" grade is expected to reduce his/her course load accordingly in order to complete the unfinished work. Students may finish only the portion of the class remaining; they may not sit through an entire class again in order to complete a "U" grade. Students attending the entire class must re-enroll and pay fees accordingly. It is the student's responsibility to contact his/her instructor concerning the removal of the "U" grade. Students will not be permitted to graduate with a "U" on their record.


Revision History:

Established and archived prior to 1999

Grades revised by vice provost for academic programs and services July 5, 2012.

Revised due dates for first-half semester classes and summer sessions approved by provost December 2015.

Previously annotated as II.F.4. Examinations, II.F.5. Grades, II.F.6. Grading System, II.F.15. Recording Devices, II.F.12. Field Trips. Edited for web links, formatting and plain language. Approved December 2015.

Deleted paragraph under IIF.5 regarding publicly posting grades per general counsel's instructions to vice provost for academic programs and services June 6, 2016.

Grades and Grading System updated with minor revisions after review by the Registrar's Office. April 2017.

Previously annotated as II.F.2 Grades. Renamed Grades for alphabetical listing, grammar and spell check, and transitioned into policy library April 2017


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