Graduate Faculty
Date of Current Revision: September 2016
Primary Responsible Officer: Director GRE
Graduate Faculty
The Graduate Faculty Assembly is comprised of all members of the Graduate Faculty and the Administrators/Staff assigned to Graduate Studies. It provides a forum for discussion of graduate education issues and elects members to the Graduate Council. Members of the Graduate Faculty are recognized as either associate or full members with differing rights and responsibilities. Here are the qualifications for graduate faculty status and application forms.
The Graduate Council serves as an administrative committee for the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs and a recommending body to the following: Graduate Studies, all graduate functions of Graduate and International Student Services, and all graduate functions of the Registrar. The Graduate Council functions as the main recommending body to the Director of Graduate Studies on all issues central to: the development and advancement of the university's vision with regard to graduate education and research, the development and review of university policies and procedures for graduate education as set forth in the Graduate Catalog, the review and recommendation of graduate curriculum, and the monitoring of graduate program quality. The Graduate Council serves as the review and recommending body for all academic petitions submitted to Graduate Studies. The Graduate Council serves to review initial and reappointment applications for Full Graduate Faculty Status and the first level of review for appeals from faculty whose applications were not approved by the department chair and/or dean of the academic unit. The Graduate Council serves as the first level of review for appeals from faculty whose applications for Associate Graduate Faculty Status were not approved by the Director of the Graduate Studies. Graduate Council members are elected by the Full Graduate Faculty Members of the Graduate Faculty Assembly.
Revision History:
Established and archived prior to 1999
Edited for web links, formatting and plain language. Approved December 2015.
Renumbered for editorial purposes May 2016.
Edited to reflect Graduate School and International Admissions restructuring and approved by Graduate Council September 2016.
Previously annotated as II.E.1 Graduate Faculty. Renamed Graduate Faculty for alphabetical
listing, grammar and spell check, and transitioned into policy library April 2017