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Joint Accelerated Degree Programs

Date of Current Revision:  February 2016

Primary Responsible Officer: Vice Provost of Academic Programs & Services

Joint Accelerated Degree Programs




A joint accelerated degree program is one which combines an undergraduate and graduate degree into one program. It allows students to complete both degrees with fewer hours than would be required if the degrees were pursued separately. At the successful completion ofthe specified program a student will receive both an undergraduate and a graduate degree. While degrees may be advertised in combination, they are not considered to be a joint accelerated degree program unless there is a reduction in the total number of hours that would be required to complete each degree separately.


Program Approval:


Academic units proposing a joint accelerated degree program follow the published guidelines from the Faculty Senate University Curriculum Committee for creating a new degree program. Review by the Graduate Council is restricted to the graduate portion of the program proposal. The Provost’s Office will ensure that all proposals comply with reporting and approval guidelines established by the Coordinating Board for Higher Education.


Program Hour Requirements:


Programs must consist of a minimum of 140 hours of coursework. A minimum of 24 hours must be taken for graduate credit. The program must clearly specify the courses to be taken for undergraduate and those to be taken for graduate credit. A program may not count one course as both undergraduate and graduate credit. In addition to the minimum number of hours required, students must meet all university requirements for both the baccalaureate (to include all requirements of the General Education Program) and the master’s degrees as stated in the appropriate catalogs.


Catalog Requirements/Student Status:


Students must complete the undergraduate portion of the program before beginning the graduate portion. While students are completing the undergraduate portion of the program they will be classified as an undergraduate student. They must comply with all policies, procedures, and regulations specified in the undergraduate catalog. They must complete the undergraduate portion of the program within the time limits established by the University for completion of an undergraduate degree. Upon completion of the undergraduate portion, the student will be classified as a graduate student and be subject to all policies, procedures, and regulations specified in the graduate catalog. They must complete the graduate portion of the program within the time limits established by the University for completion of a graduate degree.


Admission and Continuation:


Programs must specify when students may be admitted to the program. In addition to the program admission process, faculty will review students’ progress at the beginning of their senior year (i.e., upon completion of 90 hours of undergraduate coursework). The purpose ofthis review is to ensure students are meeting program requirements for continued eligibility. Programs may require additional reviews. If students are not meeting the eligibility requirements for either the undergraduate degree or for admission to graduate school, they may be removed from the program and advised on other degree options.International students will follow the normal admission process for undergraduate students. The Graduate School and International Admissions will facilitate application for a new I-20 to change their status to a graduate student at the appropriate time.


Programs must specify and publish in the undergraduate and graduate catalogs:


• when students may be admitted to the program

• under what conditions, if any, a transfer student will be accepted

• program admission requirements

• the required process for program admission

• the minimum grade point and other requirements for continuation in the program

• timelines for application for admission to the accelerated degree program and the Graduate School


Tuition and Fees:


Students will be charged tuition and fees established by the Board of Governors according to their student status (as defined in this document), the level of course enrolled in, and university policy.


Degree Audits:


The Registrar will create a degree audit for the degree requirements. A unique degree code will be created for the joint degree to allow for tracking in Banner and Degree Works.


Change of Student Status:


Prior to completing all of the undergraduate requirements for a program students are classified as undergraduate students. This status will be reflected in Banner and be used for all reporting and census requirements. During the semester in which a student will complete all their undergraduate requirements they will file a Graduate Student Acceptance Form for Joint Degree Programs with The Graduate School. The form is first reviewed by the academic unit where the program is housed. The academic unit will certify that the student remains eligible for the program and that they will complete the undergraduate requirements during that semester. The unit will assign a graduate program advisor for the student. The form will then be submitted to the Registrar for review of the undergraduate requirements. Upon approval the Registrar will forward the form to the Graduate School. The form will replace the standard application for admission to graduate studies and the graduate student acceptance forms.


The Graduate School will assess the required graduate student application fee to the student’s account. The student status will be changed in Banner from undergraduate to graduate student to become effective the next semester. This status will be reflected in Banner and be used for all reporting and census requirements. If a student fails to complete the undergraduate requirements their status will revert to an undergraduate student and they will not be permitted to enroll in any graduate level courses until they complete all of the undergraduaterequirements. If the student has been allowed to pre-enroll they will be removed from any graduate classes.


Dual Enrollment for Last Semester Seniors:


During the semester in which all undergraduate requirements will be completed, a student may enroll in graduate level courses. Prior to enrollment they must submit the Graduate Student Acceptance Form for Joint Degree Programs following the process above. They must have a minimum undergraduate cumulative grade-point average of 2.5. If the program requires a higher minimum grade-point average they must meet that requirement. They may not enroll in more than sixteen credit hours. If they fail to complete the undergraduate requirements during that semester, the graduate courses taken will revert to “non-credit coursework” until the undergraduate requirements are completed. They will not be permitted to enroll in any other graduate courses until the undergraduate requirements are completed. If the student has been allowed to pre-enroll they will be removed from any graduate classes.


Students should be counseled that dual enrollments may affect their eligibility for scholarships or other financial aid if they do not enroll in the minimum number of undergraduate hours (“Bright Flight” scholarships, etc.). Students with questions regarding scholarships and financial aid should consult the Office of Student Financial Services. If a student fails to achieve a minimum 3.0 graduate grade-point average for their graduate coursework during the semester they will be placed on probation as a graduate student.


Financial Aid Status:


For purposes of receiving scholarships and other financial aid, students will be classified as an undergraduate until they complete all of the undergraduate requirements of the program. Students who are taking both undergraduate and graduate courses in the last semester of theirsenior year are classified as undergraduate students at the senior level. They must meet all the minimum undergraduate hour enrollment requirements that are a condition of receiving financial aid. They are not eligible to apply for or receive scholarships, assistantships, or otherfinancial aid designated for graduate students. Once a student has completed all of the undergraduate requirements they will be classified as a graduate student for purposes of receiving scholarships and other financial aid. They must meet all minimum graduate hour enrollment requirements that are a condition of receiving financial aid. They are not eligible for scholarships or other financial aid designated for undergraduate students.


Clearance for Graduation:


Students will apply for graduation with the Graduate School and pay only one graduation fee. The Graduate School will verify completion of all undergraduate requirements with the Registrar and certify completion of all graduate requirements. Both offices will develop procedures to post the awarding of the degree without requiring the student to file duplicate paperwork.


Commencement Ceremonies:


It is anticipated that students will participate in the graduate commencement ceremony. The student may, upon filing a request with the Registrar, also participate in the undergraduate commencement ceremony.


Failure to Complete Graduate Requirements:


A student accepted to the program must complete the requirements for both the undergraduate and graduate portions of the program in order to receive a degree. If a student fails, for any reason, to complete the graduate portion of the program they are not eligible for abaccalaureate degree until they complete all of the remaining requirements for the standalone undergraduate degree. If a student does not complete a separate undergraduate degree any graduate courses will revert to “non-credit coursework” until such time as an undergraduate degree is completed.



Publication of Requirements in University Catalogs:


The policy and criteria for joint accelerated degree programs will be published in both the undergraduate and graduate catalogs.


Revision History:

Approved 2011.

Edited for web links, formatting and plain language. Approved December 2015.

Reviewed by the Graduate School, Registrar, and Vice provost for AP&S. Editorial changes only. Approved by the Provost February 2016.

Previously annotated as VII.25. Joint Accelerated Degree Programs. Renamed Joint Accelerated Degree Programs for alphabetical listing, grammar and spell check, and transitioned into policy library April 2017


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