Promotion and Tenure: The Promotion and Tenure Dossier
Date of Current Revision: March 2002
Primary Responsible Officer: Provost or designee
The Promotion and/or Tenure Dossier
The candidate's dossier summarizes the evidence presented to substantiate the candidate's case for promotion and /or tenure. The dossier represents both quantitative and qualitative data concerning the candidate's total contribution to the advancement of the students, the academic community at University of Central Missouri and the candidate's professional discipline. The tenure dossier may include information relating to the prior service experience of the faculty member. The promotion dossier will include those accomplishments since the dossier was submitted for the previous promotion at Central.
There are two sections of the dossier: Section A, the cover page, represents both a checklist of the procedures through which a dossier must pass as well as an outline of the actions taken on an individual's status. Section B is the candidate's section.
Section A - The Cover Page
Item 1 Identify the number of pages contained in the dossier. Identify supporting data included (e.g., 2 articles, 1 textbook, 3 book reviews, 2 tapes, 6 slides and 6 letters). Sign the cover page before submitting the dossier to the department chair.
Item 2 Enter the complete rank(s) and title(s) (e.g., "Professor of Psychology" or "Assistant Professor"). Year, in this item, refers to year of appointment or promotion.
Item 3 Enter degree(s) earned, year(s) awarded, and institution(s) awarding degree.
Item 4 The department Promotion and/or Tenure Committee will recommend or not recommend. Its Chair will sign in the appropriate place and attach to the dossier a written justification for the recommendation made.
Item 5 The department chair will recommend or not recommend, sign in the appropriate place, and write a justification for the recommendation made.
Item 6 The college Promotion Committee will recommend or not recommend. Its Chair will sign in the appropriate place and attach to the dossier a written justification for the recommendation made.
Item 7 The college dean will recommend or not recommend, sign in the appropriate place, & write a justification for the recommendation made.
Item 8 The provost will recommend or not recommend, sign in the appropriate place, and write a justification for the recommendation made.
Item 9 The president will approve or deny, and sign in the appropriate place.
Section B - The Candidate's Section
The dossier is the primary document the candidate has to support his/her candidacy for promotion and/or tenure. Dossiers will be submitted electronically following the electronic format adopted by the college. The candidate is responsible for ensuring all personal documents included in the dossier are archived. It is possible that a candidate may not have entries for all categories listed in the areas of (1) effectiveness in teaching (2) scholarly performance involving discipline-related inquiry and/or creative activity and (3) service to and recognitions within the university community and the professional discipline. The candidate as part of the dossier may submit supporting data. Though the dossier should be complete, it should not contain extraneous material (e.g., annual faculty reports, works in which the candidate's name is merely mentioned). The candidate will determine the content of the dossier and the candidate must endorse any changes in the dossier. The comments below should assist the candidate preparing a dossier to present comprehensive data to support the case.
a. The dossier will be limited to 25 pages in a 12 pt. font with 1" margins.
b. Materials that support the evidence presented in the candidate's section will be contained in an appendix and will accompany the dossier throughout the review process.
c. The department chair and committee are charged with validating the authenticity of the material in the appendix to the candidate's dossier. The candidate's colleagues in the department are the reviewers most knowledgeable about the relative stature of scholarly venues accessible in the discipline, the appropriate professional organizations and their prestige within the discipline, idiosyncrasies of departmental assessment instruments, etc. Thus, it is incumbent on the department reviewers to communicate clearly the bases of their recommendations to the succeeding levels of review.
d. Candidates for tenure and/or initial promotion at Central may include in the dossier accomplishments achieved prior to and during the entire appointment at Central.
e. Candidates with tenure and previous promotion at Central may include in the current dossier only accomplishments achieved in the time since the dossier was submitted for the previous promotion.
In the upper right-hand corner of each page, type the last name of the candidate followed by the page number (e.g., DOE 5 of 10).
List all citations in chronological order beginning with the most recent. Provide the date first, followed by the appropriate information.
Types of evidence that might be used to document performance in each category are suggested below. The candidate should organize evidence in the dossier as listed, but listing only criteria for which evidence is presented.
The evidence presented by the candidate need not be limited to these suggestions. Similarly, a type of evidence suggested for one category might be used to document performance in another category if the candidate feels it is more appropriate. Evidence used by the candidate to support performance in one category should not be repeated in another category.
General Information
a. Professional Teaching Experience. Include elementary, secondary, college and university experience.
b. Non-Teaching Professional Experiences. Include those non-teaching experiences that will improve or increase teaching effectiveness. Appropriate summer employment should be included.
c. Licenses, Registration and/or Certification.
a. Courses Taught. List the courses taught by category and total number. Indicate any administrative or supervisory responsibilities by individual courses.
b. Teaching Preparations. List the course number, title and credit hour for each preparation by term for the last three years (or longer if perceived as relevant).
c. Teaching Assignments Away from Campus. List by date, course, enrollment, and location.
d. Supervision. Indicate the number of students and the extent of involvement with interns, methods students, student teachers, etc.
e. Student Counseling and Advising.
f. Theses Directed. Indicate the years, identify the students, list the titles and designate those that have been published.
g. Graduate Degree Committee Memberships. Include information concerning committee participation. Indicate the years; identify the students and the titles of the theses.
h. Research Problems, Special Projects, and Readings. Indicate the year and list the specific titles.
i. Contribution to Course and Curriculum Development. List the year and each significant contribution to course and/or curriculum development at University of Central Missouri. Provide a brief statement describing the contribution.
j. Preparation of Instructional Media. Textbooks, laboratory manuals, video-tapes, instructional films, tape/slide presentations, auto- tutorial modules, personalized self-instruction units, etc. should be cited.
k. Experimentation and/or Research in Instructional Methods and Techniques. Briefly describe the project(s), mentioning the hypothesis being tested or the purpose of the investigation, the procedures utilized, number of students involved, and the results and outcome of the work.
l. Other Evidence of Teaching Effectiveness. Note other data relevant to teaching effectiveness (e.g., collegial evaluation, teaching awards).
m. Conventions, Clinics, Institutes, Workshops, Post-Doctoral Course Work, Internships, Sabbaticals, and Other Programs. List here professional development activities that contribute to teaching effectiveness and/or subject mastery. These activities should be listed by date, title and sponsoring agency. (Note: Evidence used to support performance in one category should not be repeated in another category. Thus, programs listed here cannot be repeated under item g in the Scholarship/Creative Activity section or item k in the Service section.)
Scholarship/Creative Activity
Scholarship includes discipline-related inquiry and/or creative activities. As the faculty member advances through the ranks such activities are expected to reflect increasing scholarly maturity. The following items may be used as evidence of scholarship.
a. Publications. Standard bibliographical citations for the description should be used in listing publications. In the case of multiple authorship, an asterisk should indicate the major contributing author. If full joint authorship is the case, neither should carry the asterisk.
Articles. Indicate whether the article appears in a refereed or non-refereed journal.
Other Publications. List in appropriate bibliographical format any other publications not included in categories a 1 and 2 (e.g., anthologies, book reviews).
Works in Progress. Publications of the type noted in a 1, 2, and 3 that are in progress (in press, accepted and undergoing revisions, or submitted) should be noted in this section. An indication of the status of the work should be noted for each entry.
b. Papers. Speeches, lectures, and papers presented at institutions, conventions, workshops, symposia, etc. that are germane to one's discipline should be noted. List by date, title, meeting, sponsoring agency and location.
c. Production or Exhibition of Creative Work. Indicate date, title, and location of the exhibition or performance of the work produced or created.
d. Grants and Awards. Cite the date, the grant or award received, the title, and any outcome (e.g., the award of another research grant, publication, patent, paper presented).
e. Current Research and/or Creative Projects in Progress. List the major significant areas of research and/or creative projects in progress. Provide brief statements summarizing the anticipated outcome of each activity. An indication of the status of the work should be noted for each entry.
f. Other Evidence of Quality Scholarship. List recognitions, awards and honors from professional organizations, publications and sponsoring agencies. Categorize the items as international, national, regional, state, or local. List the date, nature, and source of each. Where appropriate, provide brief explanatory statements.
g. Conventions, Clinics, Institutes, Workshops, Post-Doctoral Course Work, Internships, Sabbaticals, and Other Programs. List here professional development activities that contribute to scholarship/creative activity.
These activities should be listed by date, title and sponsoring agency. (Note: Evidence used to support performance in one category should not be repeated in another category. Thus, programs listed under item m in the Teaching section and item k in the Service section cannot be repeated here.)
Service includes the provision of academic and program support at department, college, and university levels as well as participation in professional discipline-related organizations at state, regional, national or international levels. The following information may be used as evidence of service.
a. Involvement in university, college and/or departmental government. List the date, committee (e.g., Faculty Senate, Executive Committee) and chair of the committee. List involvement at the university level first, followed by college and department.
b. Membership on university, college and/or departmental committees or advisory boards. List the date, committee title and chair. List involvement at the university level first followed by college and department. Identify outstanding contributions.
c. University sponsored programs. List the university colloquia, workshops, clinics, seminars, festivals, contests, forums, performances, etc. Indicate the degree of participation as coordinator, chair, lecturer, etc. and the number of people reached by these activities.
d. Sponsorship of university societies. Include sponsorship of fraternities, sororities, clubs, etc. List by year and identify the organization.
e. Non-Compensated Teaching Overload. Identify the year and the credit hours taught each term. Indicate the course number, title, and credit hours taught as an overload.
f. Recruitment of Students. Cite any effort that encourages prospective students to visit the Central campus. List by year, the event, and approximate number of students involved.
g. Coaching. Involvement on conference, regional or national committees should be cited. Outstanding team or individual accomplishments would be appropriate to identify. Indicate personal recognition received (e.g., conference coach of the year).
h. Other university activities. Cite other activities that are meritorious, such as directing or performing in theatre or musical activities.
i. Recognitions for Service to Professional Organizations. Categorize the items as international, national, regional, state, or local. List the date, nature, and source of each. Where appropriate, provide brief explanatory statements.
j. Membership in Academic, Professional and Scholarly Societies. Categorize the organizations as international, national, regional, state, or local. List the dates of membership and the names of the societies. For continuing memberships indicate initial year of membership only e.g., 1965- ). List offices held and other leadership activities, e.g., membership on the planning committee for a conference. Where appropriate provide brief explanatory statements.
k. Conventions, Clinics, Institutes, Workshops, Post-Doctoral Course Work, Internships, Sabbaticals, and Other Programs. List here professional development activities that contribute to the ability to serve the university and/or professional organizations. These activities should be listed by date, title and sponsoring agency. (Note: Evidence used to support performance in one category should not be repeated in another category. Thus, programs listed under item m in the Teaching section or item g in the Scholarship/Creative Activity section cannot be repeated here.)
Optional Statement
The candidate may write a brief description of achievements that have not been portrayed qualitatively in the previous sections.
Candidacy for Promotion
Rights of Tenured Faculty- Tenured faculty are permanent members of the university community. Once gained, tenure is retained until a tenured faculty member resigns, retires (pursuant to faculty retirement policies of the Board of Governors), is dismissed for cause, or is terminated under the conditions of, and in accord with, the Provisions of the University Retrenchment Policy and Procedures. A tenured faculty member terminated for cause such as incompetency, neglect, dishonesty, or refusal to perform duties shall be entitled to file a grievance with the FS Dispute Resolution & Grievance Committee under its procedures and shall be accorded the rights provided by Chapter 174, Revised Missouri Statutes.
Revision History:
Established and archived prior to 1999
Edited per Faculty Senate Motion 2001-2002-12, President Patton approved March 6, 2002.
Edited to reflect Academic Freedom and Tenure Board of Governors Policy 2.2.030, 2005.
Edited by Academic Affairs (cover page forms) March 12, 2008.
Edited for due dates by Academic Affairs 2004.
Edited for web links, formatting and plain language. Approved December 2015.
Edited to add statement for authorized signature to individual contracts by Academic Affairs. Approved March 2016.
Edited to add statement regarding university policy and procedures to Section III.B.1 by Academic Affairs. Approved March 2016.
Edited for formatting. Approved by Vice Provost of Academic Programs and Services April 2016.
Edited to add "advisory boards" to Service b. Membership on university, college and/or departmental committees. Approved February 2017.
Previously annotated as III.B. Promotion and Tenure: The promotion and Tenure Dossier. Renamed Promotion and Tenure: The promotion and Tenure Dossier for alphabetical listing, grammar and spell check, and transitioned into policy library April 2017
Edited to add link to the Promotion and Tenure cover page November 2017
Revised to remove paper formatted cover sheet and change dossiers submission to an electronic format adopted by the college. The candidate is responsible for ensuring all personal documents included in the dossier are archived.Approved by Faculty Senate and the provost May 2018.