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Provost’s Council

Date of Current Revision:  October 2016

Primary Responsible Officer: Provost or designee

Provost Council

The function of the Provost Council is to provide recommendations and support to the Provost who administers the academic programs of the University as well as many academic support services. The Provost Council is chaired by the Provost.


Revision History:

Established and archived prior to 1999

Edited for web links, formatting and plain language. Approved December 2015.

Web link updated October 2016.

Reviewed by Provost Council and approved with minor edit changing "she" to "who" October 2016.

Previously annotated as I.F. Provost’s Council.  Renamed Provost’s Council for alphabetical listing, grammar and spell check, and transitioned into policy library April 2017


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