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Committees and Contacts


Executive Committee

The Executive Committee will be comprised of the President’s Council members and the ALO. The members will manage the process of closing the “gaps” that cross divisions.


Steering Committee

The Steering committee will be comprised of a small number of representative individuals who have responsibilities in the specific criterion or area they will lead.  

  • Provide leadership in the overall HLC CE process.
  • Provide criterion subcommittees chair leadership.
  • Assist the criterion subcommittees as they gather evidence in support of criteria and core components.

Criterion Committees

Six teams will convene, with each team assigned to one of the following HLC Criteria. Each subcommittee will be headed by a member of the steering committee and will typically have 5-10 members. 

Criterion Chair Subcommittee Members and Area Represented
Federal Compliance Dr. Tim Crowley Heather McGrath, Office of the Registrar / Catalog
    Rhonda Stangel, Student Accounts
    Corey Bowman, Student Complaints
    Laurel Hogue, Verification of Student Identity
    Chris Young, Integrated Marketing and Communications, Student Outcome Data
1 - Mission Dr. Shari Bax Kristie Brinkley, 2019 SPC member
    Amber Goreham, Career and Life Design Center
    Lover Chancler, Center for Multiculturalism & Inclusivity
    Corey Bowman (2nd chair), Student Experience and Engagement
    Geoff Wright, Integrated Marketing and Communications
    Odin Jurkowski, Faculy Representative
    David Pearce, Government Relations
2 – Integrity: Ethical and Responsible Conduct Sarah Craig Holly Weiss, General Counsel
    Cathy Seeley, Accessibility Services
    Jeff Murphy, Integrated Marketing and Communications
    Jenna Kammer, Faculty Representative
3 – Teaching & Learning: Quality Resources & Support Janette Klein Josh Taft, General Education Faculty
    Heather McGrath, Registrar
    Emma Gardner, Office of Technology
    Carol Knight, Center for Teaching and Learning
    Christina Price-Richardson, College of Education
    Belinda Copus, College Of Health, Science, and Technology
    Julie Stephens DeJonge, College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences
    Ryan Kim,  Harmon College of Business and Professional Studies
4 – Teaching & Learning: Evaluation and Improvement Dr. Josiah Nyangau Michelle Conrad, FSUAC Member
    Catherine Chambers,  College Coordinator
    Jaimee Hartenstein,  College Coordinator
    Corey Werner,  College Coordinator
    Marco Rosichelli,  College Coordinator
    Dan Jensen, Graduate Council
    Paul Plummer
5 – Institutional Effectiveness, Resources, and Planning Dawn Anderson Rene Burress, Strategic Planning Council Member
    Michael Sawyer Strategic Planning Council Member
    Belinda Bell, Accounting Services
    Janice Putnam, APRC
    Justin O'Neal, Facilities, Planning and Operations
    Matt Houseworth, Faculty Representative
Communications Committee Susan Smedley Kelly Waldram Cramer, Integrated Marketing and Communications
    Annie McCoy, Faculty Representative
    Marlys Peck, Faculty Senate
    Beth Rutt, Staff Council and Student Activities

*Point person, not committee member

Roles of the Criterion Subcommittee Chairs

  • Lead your team to compare your criterion, core components, and subcomponents to UCM policy and practices.  Gather evidence that documents we meet the criterion.
  • Draft Assurance Argument for assigned criterion.
  • Schedule meetings, facilitate committee team’s work, ensure active participation from members, develop consensus from diverse perspectives.
  • Communicate regularly with Steering Committee about status of work. Inform ALO and/or Steering Committee of issues with cooperation from campus units, particularly as it pertains to identifying and closing gaps.

Criterion Team Members

Criterion Subcommittee Members will be selected to include a balance of those who have knowledge of the areas covered by a criterion and diversity in perspectives.  Team members should be able to work collaboratively, to consider evidence thoughtfully and critically, to follow through with assignments or tasks, and to objectively interpret findings.  Subcommittee Teams will include both faculty and staff members, with some teams including Board of Governors members or other external members.  Team members should work with their supervisor or department chair to ensure that work on the team can be accommodated; supervisors will be made aware that there is an institutional commitment to the Assurance Argument process.

Communication Committee Members
The Communication Committee will be responsible for planning and execution of communicating all aspects of the Comprehensive Evaluation to the UCM Community. This may include developing a UCM/HLC webpage, writing and distributing press releases, updating the community on efforts that have resulted from the process, informing and reminding students, faculty, and staff of the mission statement, vision statement, and statement of core values, and other duties as necessary.



Determining the best evidence to support each criterion, component and subcomponent in the Assurance Argument will require knowledge and information across the institution.  Specialists are individuals who possess specific knowledge and information that will likely be needed by one or more Criterion Teams. Specialists will be contacted on an as-needed basis to provide information, data, and/or documents. 






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