We have a NEW Internship Registration Form. Please make sure to read the included
instructions on how to fill out this form.You MUST submit an electronic form. Handwritten
forms are no longer accepted and will be returned.
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Instructions for Internship Registration Form
- Complete the electronic Internship Registration Form by following the instructions
on this page.
- To find one’s Cumulative Grade Point Average—go to mycentral.ucmo.edu navigate over to the left side of the page and ensure you, select student. Select
records and registration. Once you select this, go to the right side of the screen
and you should see a box that has curriculum, hours & GPA. Select the Hours & GPA
tab. On the right side of the box should be your current GPA.
- The address of where you can be reached during this internship period is important.
We need the complete physical street address, the best phone number to reach you,
and the city, state, and zip code.
- The internship office or internship advisors will communicate with interns via email
and Blackboard. *NOTE* Any/all communications with the University of Central Missouri
will be initiated from and sent to your @ucmo.edu email. International interns, please
see the block of instruction below:
- INTERNATIONAL INTERNS ONLY--Fill in the international telephone number on the line provided that is labeled International
telephone, and fill out the international address as well. In the company information
section for International students please type in your supervisor’s entire telephone
number on the line provided.
- Course Information section--Select the proper course you are taking.
- Select the Term for which you are enrolling (Summer, Fall or Spring).
- Fill in the year of enrollment.
- Select the credit hours for which you want to do your internship. Remember that 1
Hr requires 80 hours of work and so forth. See Table below:
Semester Credit Hours |
Supervisor On-the-Job |
40 Hour Work Weeks |
20 Hour Work Weeks |
Weekly Report Required |
1 |
80 |
2 |
4 |
1 |
2 |
160 |
4 |
8 |
2 |
3 |
240 |
6 |
12 |
3 |
4 |
320 |
8 |
16 |
4 |
5 |
400 |
10 |
20 |
5 |
6 |
480 |
12 |
24 |
6 |
- Type in the name of your Major (Department) Advisor.
- Fill in the Company name. Note: Many companies have corporate headquarters. If this is not the address or location where you will be interning, do not use it. Please only put the actual address where you can be located for the duration of this internship.
- Type in the name of your immediate supervisor.
- Type in the title of your supervisor and their direct phone and extension.
- Fill in the supervisors’ email and facsimile number. (International interns will tab
down a level to the next line and type in the necessary information).
- Fill in the Start Date of your internship.
- Fill in the projected end date.
- Select whether you will be Part-time or Full time.
- Arrow down and complete the days of the week you will work.
- Check whether this is a paid internship or an unpaid internship.
- Company’s website –if applicable fill in their complete web address (to the left of
the Work Information).
- Fill in your work phone number. (Note—for international interns, please fill in the line below that is specified International).
- Type in your job title and a brief description of your duties and job description.
- Electronically sign and email the form to your major internship advisor or techinterns@ucmo.edu for approval and signature. They will process from here.
- Check to ensure you were properly enrolled. You may verify your enrollment on My Central.
Many times, classes are not opened to students on Blackboard until close to session
beginnings. Be mindful of future emails and announcements sent through your UCM email
and posted on Blackboard. Note—it may take a few days for your classes to be made
available to you in Blackboard.