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Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct Reporting Options


The University treats all disclosures and reports of discrimination, harassment, and sexual misconduct with great care and discretion while also balancing the duty to provide fairness and safety to our community.  If you or someone you know has experienced discrimination, harassment,  or sexual misconduct, we can help.  UCM provides different options for reporting, both confidential and non-confidential. 

Some just want to share their experience with someone and stop there.  Some want to make a formal complaint and want the University to resolve the matter.  Others are not sure and wish to talk to someone confidentially.  Whatever the choice, UCM encourages those who have experienced discrimination, harassment,  or sexual misconduct to talk to someone about their experience so assistance and support can be provided, and the University can respond appropriately.

If you need immediate assistance, please contact law enforcement in your area to seek immediate medical assistance or to file a report. 

For campus emergencies, please call 911, or for assistance on campus from UCM Public Safety, please call 660-543-4123. 

Our intent is to provide a range of options so those who have experienced discrimination, harassment,  or sexual misconduct can make informed decisions about who can best provide assistance for their needs.

Mandated Reporters

In order to facilitate the University response, all University employees (other than student employees or temporary employees) are identified as Mandated Reporters.  This includes faculty and staff, except those designated as confidential in their role.  Mandated Reporters are required to report incidents of possible discrimination, harassment,  or sexual misconduct to the Equity Administrator/Title IX Coordinator, regardless of whether the recipient of the alleged behavior is a student, employee, volunteer, or visitor of the University.

Mandated Reporters are required to report known information, and not try to resolve the situation themselves. Information provided to a mandated reporter will be shared only with people responsible for handling the University's response to the report.

UCM does not prohibit an individual from intervening in a circumstance in an effort to effectuate immediate physical safety or to involve emergency authorities, such as calling 911 or UCM Public Safety.    

Anyone who has experienced discrimination, harassment,  or sexual misconduct may speak with any University employee, as designated above, to have a report filed on their behalf.  UCM Public Safety officials are also Mandated Reporters.  

Mandated Reporter Form

Employees with a Legal Obligation of Privilege or Confidentiality

Employees with a legal obligation or privilege of confidentiality (including health care providers, licensed counselors, lawyers, and their associated staff) are not considered Mandated Reporters and are not required to report when the information is learned in the course of a confidential communication. This exemption from the general requirement of all employees to report is applicable only when the employee seeking the exemption is employed by the University for that specific purpose and was acting in that capacity when the confidential disclosure was made.

The following areas are designated as confidential and are not required to report incidents to the Title IX Coordinator:

University Health Center
600 S. College Ave.
Warrensburg, MO 64093
(660) 543-4770

UCM Counseling Center
Administration 102
(660) 543-4060 

Off Campus Options
Off campus counselors, advocates and health care providers are generally able to maintain confidentiality and do not share in formation with the University unless you request the disclosure and sign a consent or waiver form. 

Incident Reporting Form

UCM has developed an online tool for reporting of discrimination,harassment, or sexual misconduct.  Complainants and non-mandatory reporters are not required to share personally identifying information on this page and may remain anonymous, but if a reporter chooses to provide those details, this may serve as notice to the University for the purpose of initiating a response.

The University is limited in its ability to act on anonymous complaints and may be restricted to documenting when, where, and under what circumstances the reported misconduct occurred for inclusion in the University's Annual Safety Report.

If you are not a mandated reporter and would like to report discrimination, harassment, or sexual misconduct at UCM, please use our Incident Reporting Form.

In-person Reporting

An in-person report may also be filed with the Equity Administrator/Title IX Coordinator in Student Experience and Engagement, Administration Building 214.

Reporting a Crime

UCM Police (Public Safety, on campus): The Department of Public Safety at UCM is responsible for all law enforcement and safety on the UCM campus.  Fully-trained and state certified peace officers are available to respond 24/7, 365 days a year.  UCM Police officials are mandated reporters.

UCM Public Safety
306 Broad St.
Warrensburg, MO 64093
660-543-4123: Answered 24/7
660-422-2632: Text Line

Warrensburg and Lee’s Summit Police (off campus or Lee’s Summit campus):

Warrensburg Police Department
102B S Holden St.
Warrensburg, MO 64093
660-747-9133: regular business hours
660-747-2265: for non-emergency calls or after hours

Lee’s Summit Police Department
10 NE Tudor Rd.
Lee’s Summit, MO 64086
816-969-1700: regular business hours
816-969-7390: for non-emergency calls or after hours


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