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Coordination of Surveys through the Office of University Analytics and Institutional Research

Date of Current Revision:  October 2015

Primary Responsible Officer:  Director of University Analytics and Institutional Research

Coordination of Surveys through the Office of University Analytics and Institutional Research


University of Central Missouri is a large and complex institution comprised of many academic, administrative, student, and support units and organizations. Many of these, in the course of meeting their respective missions and objectives, use questionnaires or surveys to obtain specific information from other units at University of Central Missouri or from comparable units outside the university (e.g., the surveying of recent graduates by academic departments, the comparison of parking facilities available on campus, the salaries and fringe benefits paid to institutional personnel, etc.).


While these endeavors are worthwhile, the design of the instruments, the selection of the persons or peer institutions to comprise the sample, and the tabulation, summary and interpretation of the data obtained can be both time-consuming and frustrating. Often, the data have already been collected or available through other units on campus.


A. The Office of University Analytics and Institutional Research


This office is responsible for the completion of many of the surveys and questionnaires sent to University of Central Missouri or institutional data. Through this role, it is in frequent contact with many campus offices and organizations to obtain the specific data being requested. Consequently, the Office of University Analytics and Institutional Research either already has on file, or knows which offices on campus have access to the various institutional data elements. In addition, the office is available to assist all academic, administrative, student, and support units and organizations in instrument design, sample selection, and the analysis and interpretation of these data.


1. The Office of University Analytics and Institutional Research has been designated to serve as a clearinghouse for the surveys and questionnaires being conducted by all University of Central Missouri units collecting these institutional type data. Institutional Research is not an approval authority, nor does it have any role in the approval of questionnaires with regards to the protection of Human Subjects.


2. Campus units and organizations are asked to call the Office of University Analytics and Institutional Research whenever they are planning to conduct a survey or circulate questionnaires using institutional data either on or off campus. A copy of the survey results will be submitted so they could become available for reference by others.



Revision History:

Approved by Provost October 2002.

Reviewed for content by Institutional Research and approved by Provost October 2015.

Edited for web links, formatting and plain language. Approved December 2015.

Previously annotated as VII.8. Coordination of Surveys through the Office of Institutional Research. Renamed Coordination of Surveys through the Office of Institutional Research for alphabetical listing, grammar and spell check, and transitioned into policy library April 2017

Updated the Office of Institutional Research to the Office of University Analytics and Institutional Research May 2021.


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