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Safe Zone

colorful Safe Zone Project logo

Safe Zone workshops at UCM offer information on LGBTQIA+ identities, terminology, ally development, and ways to support LGBTQIA+ students on our campus, and are based on the national Safe Zone Project model.

Anyone in the UCM community can attend a Safe Zone workshop and become a Safe Zone ally, including staff, faculty, graduate assistants, and students. We hope that community members of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions will participate!

Participants are asked to display the Safe Zone symbol in a visible location in their office, cubicle, room, etc. The Safe Zone symbol identifies you as someone who is a supporter of LGBTQIA+ communities and individuals, and a person who is committed to creating an environment free of homophobia, biphobia, transphobia, heterosexism, and bias. 

Workshops will include campus and community resources to prepare you be ready to help students at UCM to feel safe and supported. 

UCM's Safe Zone trained faculty and staff.


UCM Safe Zone logoRegister for a faculty/staff workshop

Watch this space for next Safe Zone training!



Schedule a workshop for your classroom, student org, or office

To schedule a Safe Zone workshop for your classroom, student org, or office, or for questions about the workshop, contact Safe Zone training coordinator Dr. Amber Clifford-Napoleone at


prideflag Related resources

A list of LGBTQIA+ resources for your physical, mental, spiritual, and social health are listed on the Center for Multiculturalism and Inclusivity's page!

The Center: The Lavender Lounge, for students who identify as LGBTQIA+, is open anytime The Center is, and can be reserved for special events.

Care To Act, UCM’s violence prevention program, includes a focus on preventing the harms related to bias and discrimination; part of the Office of Health Promotion.

University Housing: Diversity Statement, SAIL (Safe and Inclusive Living) Community

President’s Commission on Access, Opportunity, and Community:  Among other work, this group has created a list of gender neutral restrooms on the Warrensburg and Lee's Summit campuses.

Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, & Retaliation: Follow the links below for more information, including how to find support and how to make a report.



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