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Areas and Ensembles

Click the links below for more information about UCM Music Areas!


Wind Ensemble picture

If you have an interest in playing in a band as a UCM student—music major or not—then we have a place for you. Whether you are performing newly commissioned compositions in Carnegie Hall with the Wind Ensemble, performing with the Boston Brass and the UCM Marching Mules in Arrowhead Stadium, or recording with the UCM Jazz Ensembles in UCM’s world renowned recording studios: your experiences with a UCM Band will be rewarding and of the highest quality. 

Choral and Vocal Studies

Choir picture

Regardless of major, we have a spot for YOU in one of our choirs! Students can rehearse and have the opportunity to perform a wide variety of music, including contemporary, historical, and folk music from around the world. The UCM Choral Program has a long-standing tradition of excellence and we hope you will make singing an important part of your collegiate experience.

Jazz-Commercial Music

Jazz 1 Rehearsing

When you participate in Jazz-Commercial experiences at UCM, you’ll get the chance to perform with our two Jazz Large Ensembles and with our Jazz-Rock Combos while taking classes related to improvisation, arranging, and history. UCM alumni have continued their studies in graduate Jazz programs at institutions such as Rutgers University, University of Northern Colorado, and University of Missouri-Kansas City. They have also secured professional jobs as performers and educators in the field.

Music Technology

Studio A

The UCM Music Technology program stands at the intersection of audio engineering, music production, computer science, and sonic creativity. At UCM Music Tech we embrace diverse ideas and multiple ways of creating and working with music technology. You are encouraged to explore, experiment, and push the limitations and perceptions within the music technology industry, while working from a solid foundation of practical knowledge coupled with creative engagement.

String and Orchestral Studies

Orchestra performing

If you played in your high school orchestra and would like to continue in college, music major or not, we have the orchestra for you at UCM. UCM also has chamber music opportunities for string students in one of our scholarship string quartets.  



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