University Health Center: did you know?
The University Health Center takes insurance! And, even if you don't have insurance right now, you can still be seen for an affordable price.

Counseling Center: did you know?
The Counseling Center offers Mental Fitness workshops on topics like Healthy Relationships, Motivation, Stress Management, and more.

Health Promotion: did you know?
We work to help you make well-informed choices through online courses, educational programs, and data-informed engagement.

Our Director: Amy Kiger
In her role as the Director of Campus Community Health, Amy coordinates staff, finances, and other resources across all three areas: the University Health Center, the Counseling Center, and the Office of Health Promotion.
She has served as project director for multiple state and federal grants, including a Department of Education grant to reduce high risk drinking among members of fraternities and sororities and an Office of Violence Against Women grant to prevent sexual assault, relationship violence, and stalking on campus.
Amy has her M.S. in Counseling Psychology from UCM, her B.S. in Educational and Counseling Psychology from the University of Missouri-Columbia, and her doctorate in Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis from the University of Missouri-Columbia.