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Forms and Resources


OSPRI utilizes several forms for pre-award and post award grant and contract management as well as for human and animal subject research compliance.  Additional information and resources to help you navigate the process are available on this page. If there are any questions or concerns on what forms to use or how to complete them, please contact OSPRI staff to assist you.

Grants and Contracts


OSPRI maintains UCM's accounts and registrations with funding agencies, including the federal government.  If you intended to apply for a funding opportunity, please contact our office before initiating a user profile or creating a user account.

Find Your Research Administrator: This document lists which research administrator is assigned to each campus office/department for preaward/application and post award phases.

OSPRI's Guidance for Acquiring and Managing Externally Funded Projects and Research Compliance should be used when developing applications and adhering to funder guidelines.

SPIN: Faculty and staff should complete this form to create or update a profile for the SPIN funding opportunity database search system.  OSPRI maintains the subscription for this system, which allows faculty and staff to customize search words specific to programmatic and research interests.  Funding opportunities which match selected keywords will be emailed in daily or weekly batches, based on individual preference.  Completed SPIN forms need to be uploaded and submitted through the SPIN Smartsheet form.

New Applications: When a possible funding opportunity is identified, employees are asked to complete this form to get this project on the OSPRI workflow.

Financial Conflict of Interest/Foreign Talent Recruitment Programs:  In accordance with federal regulations, identified personnel for a sponsored project are required to complete financial conflict of interest (FCOI) disclosures and maintain their COI training through CITI.  Additionally, "covered individuals", anyone who is substantively involved with preparing applications and/or carrying out the sponsored project, if awarded, must complete a Foreign Talent Recruitment Program (FTRP) disclosure.

IDC Waiver
: UCM's indirect cost (IDC) rates are 31.6% Modified Total Direct Costs (MTDC) for all federal and federal pass-through grants/contracts and 10% for all other funders, unless otherwise stated in the Request for Proposal (RFP).  In some cases, it may be necessary to request a reduction in indirect costs to better support the project's scope of work.  This form must be completed before an application is submitted to a funding agency.

Contingency Account: In some cases, a contingency account will need to be requested while waiting on a contract.  Contingency accounts must have another FOAP backing them, in the case that the contract does not come through.  Only the fund manager for the backing FOAP can approve the request.

Post Award

OSPRI's Guidance for Acquiring and Managing Externally Funded Projects and Research Compliance should be used when developing applications and adhering to funder guidelines.

Find Your Research Administrator: This document lists which research administrator is assigned to each campus office/department for preaward/application and post award phases.

Conflict of Interest: Federal regulations require principal investigators to disclose all financial conflicts of interest which they, a spouse, and/or a dependent may have.  If at any point during the life of a funded project at new conflict arises, the PI must updated their Conflict of Interest disclosure.

Expense Transfer: If a non-personnel expense was incorrectly charged to a grant/contract FOAP or needs to be transferred to a grant/contract/match account, then this form needs to be completed.

Grant Funded Payment Request: Use this payment request form to process expenditures against your grant and/or match FOAPs.  Completed payment requests need to be submitted electronically to for processing.  OSPRI will internally process the payment request and will submit approved forms to Accounts Payable.

Labor Distribution: For personnel expense corrections, the labor distribution form needs to be completed.  Labor change requests for UCM's fiscal year end must be submitted by June 30th of each year.

Funding Agencies

Below are links to frequently used funding agencies, grouped by sources of funds.  This is not an all inclusive list.  If you find a potential funding opportunity, please complete the New Project Initiation Form to start your application.

Federal Funding

State Funding

State agencies/departments usually have a grant submission process through their website.  All applications need to be reviewed by OSPRI staff prior to submission to any funding agency.  Here are links to commonly used state funding agencies and subdivisions.


 Several non-profit agencies and organizations have grant programs. All applications need to be reviewed by OSPRI staff prior to submission to any funding agency. These are some of the frequently used non-governmental granting agencies.

Human Subjects (IRB)

Getting Started

IRB 101: This PowerPoint presentation will help to guide users through the IRB process.  

IRB Processes: This video will explain the IRB process.

Determination of Research Form (DOR) Explained: This video will explain the purpose of the DOR form and how to fill it out.

Determination of Research (DOR): This form will help to determine if a project will fall under the federal definition of research for human subjects.  At a minimum, all researchers presenting findings outside of the classroom must complete the DOR form and receive an approval letter from the IRB before starting their project.  Researchers who had their protocol approved by the IRB  do not need to complete the DOR form.

Research Categories: This document will assist in identifying the various research categories.

CITI Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR): The OSPRI provides free CITI Training for UCM faculty, staff, and students.  Completion of CITI's Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) training is a requirements for all Human Subjects research.   When you reach the Select Curriculum page during registration, under Question 1, Responsible Conduct of Research, you will see 6 options. Please choose any one of the top 4 options on this question. The course you choose on Question 1 is the only course required by the IRB. There are a total of 7 questions and unless you have been asked to take an additional course, or you would like to take additional courses, you may choose "Not at this time" or "No" for the remainder of the questions. 

Training is valid for 3 years.  

Responsible and Ethical Conduct of Research (RECR) Course: The Office of Sponsored Programs & Research Integrity and the IRB offer the RECR in-person course for faculty, staff, and student researchers, fulfilling compliance with Section 7009 of the America Creating Opportunities to Meaningfully Promote Excellence in Technology, Education, and Science (COMPETES) Act (42 USC 1862o-1).  This is an 8 hour course, scheduled as 1 hour per week over 8 weeks.  Please complete the registration form, linked in this RECR section header, so sign up for the course.  Anyone receiving grant research funding will be required to successfully complete the course.

Application Forms

Below are the different application forms for human subjects research.  Please complete the appropriate form for your research and use the IRB Submission Form to submit protocol applications to the IRB for review.  Please use the IRB application guide to determine which form to complete.

IRB Submission Form: Use this form to attach and submit your IRB application and all supporting documents.

Exempt: This form is for research that will likely qualify as exempt, such as minimal interaction, low risk to participants, and/or deidentifiable data collection.

Expedited/Full: Research containing more extensive interactions with participants, higher risk interactions, and collecting identifiable data will need to undergo a full review. The deadline for submitting a full review is noon on the Monday before a regularly scheduled meeting.

External IRB: If you already have an IRB from another institution, you must complete the IRB Submission Form, select "External Protocol" in the Review Type field, and upload the original application, support items, and the external IRB's approval letter.

Renewals: Renewing a protocol extends the end date of the research project.  Use the IRB Submission Form to renew your protocol by selecting "Renewal" in the Review Type field and upload the original application form.

Amendments: To amend an active protocol, use the IRB Submission Form and select Amendments in the Review Type field and provide a description of the proposed changes in the Comments box. 

Revisions: To revise an active protocol, use the IRB Submission Form and select Revisions in the Review Type field and provide a description of the revisions in the Comments box in addition to uploading any additional or corrected documents.

Protocol Closeout Form: Use this form after all research is complete and your are ready to close your protocol.

Templates and Resources

Informed Consent Template:  Use this format to develop your informed consent form.  This template contains the necessary structure to comply with federal regulations.

Consent for Internet-Based Survey Template:  This is a sample of how to format your consent form for an online survey.

Assent Template:  Please use this as a basis for your consent form for minor research participants.

Waiver/Modification of Informed Consent: Form for the waiver or modification for informed consent of research participants.

Permission to Conduct Research Request Template:  Basic format to request permission to conduct research at an external (non-UCM) site.

Post Approval Reporting Requirements: This tool explains what to do in the event of unanticipated events.

Adverse Event FormUse this form to report an adverse event related to your research.

Research Misconduct Form: Use this form to report suspected research misconduct.  This form can be completed anonymously.

Research Workflow: This tool explains the overall research review process.

Membership, Charge & Meetings

IRB Membership: The IRB is an University Administrative (UA) committee with the membership structure, qualifications, and training requirements regulated by the federal government.

IRB Official Charge:  The IRB Committee adheres to federal, state, and institutional regulations in reviewing and overseeing protocols involving human subjects.  Their charge outlines their structure, roles, and guidelines.

Meetings:  The deadline for submitting applications for the full committee to review is noon on the Monday before a scheduled meeting.  Applications received after the deadline will be reviewed at the next regularly scheduled meeting, pending a quorum of committee members.

           Academic Year 2023-2024 IRB Meetings:


Fall 2024


Spring 2025


September 13

October 4

October 25

November 8

November 22

December 6




January 24

February 7

February 21

March 7

March 21

April 4

April 18

May 2

Federal Compliance

The Institutional Review Board is a federally regulated committee on campus.  Below are federal regulations and UCM's IRB compliance documents for your reference.

45 CFR Part 46: This is the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) which applies to IRB.  The IRB is responsible for interpreting and implementing policies and procedures which ensure UCM's compliance with the regulations.

The Belmont Report: The National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research developed this report.  The report identifies the basic ethical principles for the conduct of human subjects research.

IRB Procedures Manual: This is the committee procedures manual that guides the day-to-day operations of the IRB.

Federalwide Assurance of Compliance: The University of Central Missouri’s (UCM) IRB holds a Federalwide Assurance (FWA) for the Protection of Human Subjects with the Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP) under number FWA00028972.  UCM's IRB is registered with OHRP under IRB00012169. UCM’s FWA expires on November 14, 2024.  Submission of an application for review by the IRB indicates that this has been read and is understood by the investigator. 


 Animal Subjects (IACUC)

Getting Started

IACUC 101This PowerPoint presentation will help to guide users through the IACUC process and submitting through the submission form.  

IACUC Processes: This video will describe the IACUC process and submitting through the submission form.

Determination of Research (DOR): This form will help to determine if a project will fall under the federal definition of research for animal subjects.

IACUC Required CITI Training: The OSPRI provides free CITI Training for UCM faculty, staff, and students.  Instructions have been made available for accessing CITI and to complete the required IACUC Training, which is valid for 3 years.   

When you reach the Select Curriculum page during registration, under Question 1, Responsible Conduct of Research, you will see 6 options. Please choose any one of the top 4 options on this question. The course you choose on Question 1 is the only course required by the IRB. There are a total of 7 questions and unless you have been asked to take an additional course, or you would like to take additional courses, you may choose "Not at this time" or "No" for the remainder of the questions. 

Occupational Health and Safety Program (OHSP):  The purpose of this program is to identify risks, implement safety controls, and provide training to ensure a safe and healthy work environment for individual with direct or indirect contact with animals. The program involves the completion of the following steps prior to receiving approval from the IACUC committee:

Application Forms

IACUC Submission Form Use this form to attach and submit your IACUC application and supporting documents.

Field Project Form: Use this form for research being done in the field.

Lab Project Form: Use this form for laboratory animal research.

Amendments: To amend an active protocol, use the Submission Form and select Amendments in the Review Type field and provide a description of the proposed changes in the Comments box. 

Revisions: To revise an active protocol, use the Submission form and select Revisions in the Review Type field and provide a description of the revisions in the Comments box in addition to uploading any additional or corrected documents.

Templates & Resources

Animal Incident Form:  Use this form to report an unanticipated event.

Research Misconduct Form: Use this to report suspected research misconduct.  This form can be completed anonymously.

Research WorkflowUse this to see the process for IACUC applications.

Membership, Charge & Meetings

IACUC MembershipThe IACUC is an University Administrative (UA) committee with the membership structure, qualifications, and training requirements regulated by the federal government.

IACUC Official ChargeThe IACUC Committee adheres to federal, state, and institutional regulations in reviewing and overseeing protocols involving animal subjects.  Their charge outlines their structure, roles, and guidelines.

Meetings: The IACUC Committee meets at least once a semester, with additional meetings, as necessary, to review protocols.

Federal Compliance

The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee is a federally regulated committee on campus.  Below are IACUC compliance documents for your reference.

The Guide 8th Edition: The Institute for Laboratory Animal Research Division on Earth and Life Studies developed this guide. The Guide is the primary reference on animal care and use . The Public Health Service Policy requires its use in the United States.

PHS Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals: This is the policy which applies to IACUC.  The IACUC is responsible for interpreting and implementing policies and procedures which ensure UCM's compliance with the policy.

IACUC Procedures Manual:  This is the committee procedures manual that guides the day-to-day operations of the IACUC.

Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare Assurance:  The University of Central Missouri’s (UCM) IACUC holds an assurance with the Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW) under number D16-00061 (A3098-01). This assurance expires on January 31, 2023. Submission of an application for review by the IACUC indicates that this has been read and is understood by the investigator. 



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