Open Calendar


Wash Alert

Know the Status of Machines and Availability Instantly!


You now have the ability to check the status of your laundry or check for available washers and dryers via your cell phone or computer.

Just click on your building/floor below. You’ll be able to check the status of every machine in the room. You can even have the system email/text you when a machine is close to the end of a cycle or when your laundry is done! 

Check out general  laundry tips and “how to’s” related to laundry services.



Central Village - Building #5

Central Village - Community Building

East/North Ellis

Fitzgerald Hall


Greenwood Park





South Ellis

South Yeater

The Crossings “A” Wing Ground Floor

The Crossings “A” Wing 1st Floor 

The Crossings “A” Wing 2nd Floor 

The Crossings “A” Wing 3rd Floor

The Crossings “A” Wing 4th Floor

The Crossings “C” Wing 2nd Floor

The Crossings “C” Wing 3rd Floor

The Crossings “C” Wing 4th Floor

Todd/South Todd

University Conference Center (UCC)


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