The University of Central Missouri has two primary colors, red (PMS 186) and black. When representing UCM it is important to our brand identity to lean in strong with our bold colors. UCM colors should be incorporated into everything that is meant to represent who and what UCM is—from T-shirts to logos to paint on our walls—any time a color outside of our official colors is used, it diminishes the strength of our university's longstanding, recognizable brand.
Color equivalents for Pantone 186
CMYK: 12/100/92/3
Web RGB: 207/35/46
HEX: #cf202e
UCM Black
Color equivalents for Black
CMYK: 0/0/0/100
CMYK: 40/30/30/100 (Rich Black)
Web RGB: 0/0/0
HEX: #000000
UCM Gray
Color equivalents for Gray
CMYK: 0/0/0/40
Web RGB: 167/169/172
HEX: #a7a9ac
All logos and marks (except the university seal) may be reproduced in two colors (red and black) or just one color (usually black). The seal may be reproduced in full-color or one-color (usually black). The signature and some other logos may be reversed out of a darker background, and may be reproduced in one color other than black when appearing on a background lighter than the mark. Such uses must be approved by IMC.
Please note that the red color used by UCM is a Pantone 186 on coated stock; it may
be necessary to alter the color somewhat on other papers to most closely match the
official color.
Poinsettia SW 6594 is one of four approved colors for interior paint. It is important
that we demonstrate our bold colors across campus in our buildings. IMC has picked
a handful of colors that meet our university brand standards to help enhance and strengthen
our brand.
RGB: 157/55/60
Hex: #9d373c
LRV: 10
Passive Gray SW 7064 is a great color to help complement our Poinsettia Red.
RGB: 203/204/201
Hex: #cbccc9
LRV: 60
Cityscape SW 7067 is another complement to the UCM Poinsetta Red.
RGB: 127/129/126
Hex: #7f817e
LRV: 22
Grizzle Gray SW 7068 is a darker gray that may be used sparingly. We recommend that
Passive Gray and Cityscape our the primary grays used on campus but we do offer this
option that may complement as needed but should not be the primary color used when
painting a space.
RGB: 99/101/98
Hex: #636562
LRV: 13
These colors are the only paint colors that should appear on the interior walls of any UCM facility. All colors presented here are available through UCM's Office of Facilities Planning and Operations (FPO).